Federal student loans offer flexible repayment plans and options to postpone your loan payments for a year or more. According to companies like SoFi, if you take advantage of these options you can greatly reduce your monthly payment and compound your savings for the rest of your life.
Applying for the best financial aid for you can be intimidating. That’s why we’ve created an incredible guide to help you make the right financial aid decisions. Visit our guide to finding the financial aid you need for your next student loan application.
Picking the right college for your financial aid can be challenging. To get the full potential out of your educational experience, you need to apply for every type of financial aid you can get. If you are interested in pursuing a degree in a field outside of business, try our free guide to the different types of financial aid available to you.
The financial aid application is the same whether you apply with a credit card, to your bank account, or through paperless application. Students who are looking to apply for loans need to know how to present their information as accurately as possible. These are the factors that go into making an application for grants, scholarships, and loans.
You should find everything you need to know about applying for financial aid at AmEx Financial Aid. Here you’ll find the one piece of the application that students often overlook, the personal statement. See our guide on the best personal statements for students for step-by-step instructions on how to write a great application.
Apply online with the best student loan application tool
We all know how difficult it can be to get out of debt, especially if you have a lot of student loans. So, we’ve created the best online student loan application tool. To get started, sign up for a free account and we’ll get you in touch with a wealth of help if you run into trouble.
If you want to use our app to apply for loans, look no further than the Discover Student Loan app. From the student loan application to the payment dashboard, it’s all here.